Answer :
Answer: d. Inborn biases
Inborn biases are tendencies babies are born with that enables them to respond to situations in a very particular or certain way.
For example: babies can decide to cry or smile when they see some certain people in order to get attention from them.
Babies also tend to have inborn biases to colors, shapes as well.
Generally in a developing child, there are certain internal and external factors which contribute to the manifestation of attention basis for social stimuli .When these factors interact, in a developing child, their combined effect leads to developments of attention biases, which aids their responsiveness and awareness to the immediate environments , and therefore ability to process faces and respond to certain group of stimuli exposed to compare to others.
it is the interactions and combined effects of these factors ( internal ;arousal, neural developments, and external; early social experiences ) that aids elicitation of attention from care givers by infants.
Two theories has been proposed for these infants attributes
1.Conspec - explain the anatomical part of the brain responsible for development of attention biases
2.Conlern - explains the acquired neural circuits for processing face for recognition