
1. Es donde pones la cabeza cuando duermes. 2. Es el quehacer doméstico que haces después de comer. 3. Algunos de ellos son las cómodas y los sillones. 4. Son las personas que viven en tu barrio.

Answer :



1. Almohada.

2. Lavar los platos.

3. Muebles.

4. Vecinos.


All responses are based on the activities described by each item as follows:

1. when we sleep we place our head on a pillow.

2. When we finish eating the task we must do is wash the dishes.

3. The dressers and armchairs are home furnishings.

4. The people who live in my neighborhood are my neighbors.


1. It is where you put your head when you sleep. 2. It is the housework you do after eating. 3. Some of them are the comfortable and the armchairs. 4. They are the people who live in your neighborhood.


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