Answer :


Clarisse thinks education is incredibly important. However, she does not go to school because in this society, people are not taught to think for themselves. They are taught to be automatons. So, Clarisse won't get anything of intellectual value from the schools in this society.


Clarisse explain her typical school day to Montag , which doesn't involve any academics at all , first, she has an hour of a class about TV, she then has an hour-long sports class , after which she has a painting class, a transcription history class, or another sports class.


A school day at Clarisse's school consists of television classes, followed by sports and painting classes, at the end of the day all the students have more television classes.

Why does Clarisse take television lessons?

  • Because she lives in a society where TV shows are valued.
  • Because TV shows guarantee students' attention.
  • Because TV shows prevent teachers from teaching something that is not allowed.

Clarisse lives in an oppressed society where knowledge is dangerous and therefore limited. The school encourages this limitation of knowledge and therefore the classes are not very informative, manipulative, and shallow.

This question is from the book "Fahrenheit 451" and you can learn more about it at the link:

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