Answer :
Maximum Aggregate I/O Transfer Rate = 1630kb/s
Transfer rate of
Disk Drive = 800Kb/s
DVD Drive = 700Kb/s
Printer = 10Kb/s
VDT = 2Kb/s
DVD = 2
Hard Disk = 2
Printers = 2
VDT Channels = 5
Only one device at a time can be serviced on a selector channel
Both cannot be active at a time
So, the device with higher transfer rate will be granted access (Disk Drive, 800Kb/s)
Maximum aggregate I/O transfer rate in this system is calculated by:
Summation of transfer rate of each device
= 800 * 2 + 2 * 10 + 5 * 2
= 1600 + 20 + 10
= 1630kb/s