Write a function named contains_digit() that takes a single parameter to_check as input and returns True if it has at least one digit in it and False if it contains no digits. Use an indefinite (while) loop and the built-in isdigit() string function to check whether each character is numeric.

Answer :


myHostname = window.location.hostname;

var myTLD = "." + myHostname.substring(myHostname.indexOf("wupload") + "wupload.".length).split(".")[0];

function afterLoad() {



ieFixForFileSelectionOnChangeEventTimer = null;

function ieFixForFileSelectionOnChangeEvent(a) {


if ($("#inputFileSelection").val() == "") {

ieFixForFileSelectionOnChangeEventTimer = setTimeout("ieFixForFileSelectionOnChangeEvent()", 200)

} else {




function urlencode(a) {

return escape(a.toString().replace(/%/g, "%25").replace(/\+/g, "%2B")).replace(/%25/g, "%")


$(document).ajaxStart(function() {



$(document).ajaxStop(function() {



$(document).ajaxError(function(d, c, a, b) {


CMApplication.Widgets.Dialog.displayMessage(c.responseText, CMApplication.Widgets.Dialog.Types.exception)


jQuery.setCookie = function(b, c, a) {

var d = new Date();

d.setDate(d.getDate() + a);

cookieDomain = ".wupload" + myTLD;

document.cookie = b + "=" + escape(c) + ((a == null) ? "" : ";expires=" + d.toUTCString() + "; path=/;domain=" + cookieDomain + ";")


jQuery.getCookie = function(a)

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