Answer :
The correct answer is: C. Market forces work best when left alone
Throughout history, each society has had to decide what mechanisms should be adopted to deal with their economic problems in an appropriate way and seek solutions accepted by their population. For this reason, the so-called economic systems have emerged, which are nothing more than different ways of organizing a society with the objective of solving its basic economic problems. Many have been the theories that have happened on which economic system is more effective or on which form of organization is better for each society.
Among the main economic doctrines that have existed throughout history is the classical school:
The main idea of this doctrine is that the economy tends to balance on its own and without the need for regulation by the State. That is, free competition establishes production, satisfaction of needs and income distribution. Among the classical economists the expression "laissez faire, laissez passer" (let do, let pass) is popular, convinced that the best government is the least involved in the economy. These economists are the precursors of economic liberalism and capitalism.