
Father Moore had conducted a number of exorcisms during his tenure as pastor in a suburban church in New England. The members of hiscongregation suggest that Father Moore was successful in driving away evil spirits that caused individuals to behave abnormally, a feat that earnedhim substantial fame in the town. This is an example of the _____ approach in addressing abnormality in individuals.A. scientificB. psychologicalC. medical
D. spiritual

Answer :




The spiritual approach to tackling abnormal behaviour entails "exorcism" or "deliverance" from possessions of evil entities using strong belief systems(religion) that employ the method of faith in making this effective. Father Moore connected to higher powers through his strong belief and faith in his religion(in this case Christianity) to drive out "evil spirits" from people with abnormal behavior.


D- Spiritual


Father Moore use Spiritual approach to drive away evil spirits that caused individuals to behave abnormally because spiritual approach is a way of counseling which attempts to treat a person's soul, mind and body by gaining access to the person belief systems and using the faith in a higher power to explore areas of conflict in the person life.

That was why Father Moore was successful in driving away evil spirits that caused individuals to behave abnormally, a feat that earned him substantial fame in the town.

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