Answer :
From the CEO
Winton Enterprises
Dear Mister D'Azure
I am writing to you to inform you about changes in your lifetime health benefits. You, as a retired worker of our enterprise, deserve to be informed about these changes, and I am personally providing you with the new details, so read carefully.
Even if Winton Enterprises has managed to reduce many costs with different business strategies, especially by outsourcing some of its production to China, the company has not been able to reach a healthy financial state. The reason for this is that the cost of the benefits for retirees has skyrocketed. We had to take a radical decision as a company: from now on, retirees like you will have to pay half the cost of their medical benefits, starting from January 21 2021
Please let me know if you have anymore questions about this new policy. You can also call us at 202-555-0194 if you want to recieve any answer about this matter.
Yours Faithfully
Winton Enterprises CEO