Answer :
The development of diffusion dialysis for alkali separation
Diffusion Dialysis (DD) gives another option, perfect and planned strategy for corrosive and antacid recuperation. The most out standing preferences of DD are the perfect nature, low utilization of vitality, low establishment and working expense. Moreover, the integrations of DD (especially for corrosive recuperation frameworks) with other techniques can build the handling ability and effectiveness, so that the acids (even with low fixation) and the metal salts can be effectively recouped.
Different parameters will impact the proficiency of DD, such as film properties (particularly water content (WR) and fixed
gathering (CR)), assortment and grouping of waste arrangement, and the activity conditions (activity temperature, the stream rate, stream proportion). As needs be, critical contrasts have been accounted for for various DD frameworks: the "salt impact" is clear in the
HCl + chlorides DD frameworks, while in the H2SO4 + sulfates DD systems, the "salt impact" almost can't be watched; low retention
furthermore, high diffusivity in film are constantly seen in the solid corrosive arrangements, while in the powerless corrosive arrangement, the patterns are simply inverse; the "water assimilation" is moderately increasingly evident in the soluble base feed arrangement than that in the solid corrosive feed, and consequently the effectiveness of soluble base recuperation is lower.