Answer each of the questions below in essay format. 1. Write your responses in complete sentences. Your answers to each question should be 2-3 paragraphs long. Be sure to carefully read each question to ensure that you answer each component with the appropriate depth and detail. Your answers should be free of spelling and grammar errors. When using reference material, you must properly cite your sources using in-text citations. You must also include a reference list created in APA citation style (see announcements for details on APA). The Rio Salado Online Library is the best source for authoritative, validated information on your research topics. Review the Lesson 9 Assignment Grading Rubric as you prepare to complete this assignment. Your manager appointed you to host a meeting to introduce the new Waking Up employees to the rest of the staff. The director, Henry Watts, asked that you allow time for organizational updates, a brief team building exercise, and a question/answer period. Create an agenda for this meeting and include it in the textbox below. Now that you have your agenda, discuss the type of meeting you will hold. What factors did you consider as you prepared your agenda and why are they important? What structural agenda decisions did you make and why? What organizational goals, group goals, and individual goals are inherent in this agenda? Make sure you integrate terms from your lesson to demonstrate your learning.

Answer :




Before the meeting starts, let your team know that it's going to be a short, informal introductory gathering, so there won't be an agenda.  Agenda is to provide orientation to  new ones

Once in the room, explain a little about yourself. Consider using business storytelling  to communicate your values and what you're trying to achieve. At this stage, you needn't go into great depth about your plans - that can come later, at a more formal meeting.

At this time, simply explain that you'll be arranging one-on-one meetings  with each member of the team, so that you can get to know them a little and find out how you can support them. Let people know that you'll schedule a formal meeting for the whole team after these one-on-ones have taken place.

Also, make it clear that you'll be spending the first 90 days  learning all you can about the team and the way it works. Acknowledge that you will probably want to make some changes, but you won’t be doing this until you know what is and isn’t working well.

It's common advice for new managers to look for a "quick win" shortly after they step into a role. By all means look for an opportunity to improve things, but try to do this without making sweeping changes to the systems or processes that are already in place. It may have taken many years to put these into place, and they may be working quite well.

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