Answer :
1) strong form efficient.
The efficient market hypothesis states that all the relevant information regarding stocks traded in a market is already included in the price of the stocks.
This investment theory argues that if all the relevant information was public, then even if a person had insider information, it would be useless since everyone should have access to the same information. Of course this model is only theoretical, since in real life information is something very valuable and not everyone has access to it.
2. Semi-Strong Form Efficient
Semi-strong form of market efficiency occurs when all publicly available information is reflected on security prices such that, earning additional return is not a possibility.
Here, Dan can not earn excess profits on ABC stocks because, if the financial market is semi strong form efficient, his experience on technical and fundamental analysis, which is based on how profit is generated and current information respectively, can not help to determine the price movement in the future.
Also, based on research, it is suggested that developed market are semi strong efficient, while developing markets are not semi strong efficient.