"Earth is the only planet in our solar system that provides a suitable environment for life as we know it. Sustaining these conditions requires a constant recycling of materials between the living and nonliving components of eco-systems. Select one of material cycles we studied (water, nitrogen, carbon, sulphur and phosphorus) and identify elements of your lifestyle that impact the cycle. a. What are the most considerable impacts you make? b. How might it change your life if you were to reduce your impacts? What would you need to give up? c. How difficult is to balance personal choices with environmental considerations?"

Answer :


a. What are the most considerable impacts you make


  • Earth is the only planet that is capable of life in the solar system and it provides a sustainable environment for life forms and the non-living forms and has constant recycle of the materials in the ecosystem and involves the following components as water, nitrogen and carbon and sulfur and the phosphorus and the elements that impact the lifestyle of these cycles are the how we sue the resources and there impacts on the on earth ecological systems.


Human activities, it goes without saying, have had negative consequences on the planet we call home. Nitrogen gas (N2), which makes up 80 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, has gotten little journalistic attention but is critical to our survival. It is a necessary nutrient for all living beings; without it, life as we know it would cease to exist. Many biomolecules, such as proteins, chlorophyll, and require nitrogen. However, as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels and the usage of nitrogen-concentrated fertilizers, human contact and interference have significantly hampered the natural process of nitro fixation. The majority of metropolitan areas are located near or related to water systems, such as rivers or shorelines. Increased use of nitrogen-based fertilizers in agriculture and urban areas can result in low to no oxygen levels,  food web structure, harming biodiversity, food web structure, and overall habitat deterioration.


The effects of nitrogen cannot be attributed to a single person or group of people; this is a global issue to which everyone contributes - if not directly, then certainly indirectly. The burning of fossil fuels and the use of fertilizers to increase plant production is, of course, the two main contributors. Next to methane gas, nitrous oxide is the third most significant contributor to our growing greenhouse gas problem, accounting for 6% of total emissions, trailing methane gas at 11% and carbon dioxide at 81 percent. 2014 (EPA) It is illogical to claim that one person contributes less than another just because they prefer to take public transportation rather than own a car.


Humans, including me, face a challenging task in controlling nitrogen production. Our nitrogen production is inextricably linked to our daily routine, which has become a practically unbreakable cycle. To make a significant shift in the hopes of reversing our effects, we would have to leave almost everything and return to traditional land and life uses - in extreme circumstances. We must move forward in order to develop constructive alternative answers since we are currently trapped in a cycle that cannot be broken. Some examples include the aforementioned stem cell food printing and hydroponics food production, as well as a comeback in demand for electric and hydrogen automobiles, as well as zero-emission vehicles. Cutting factory emissions to zero and eliminating the usage of fossil fuels, coal, and primary fuel sources would be key factors.


Today, I find a lot of people talking about how we need to make some serious changes to the environment, how much pollution we are putting out, how much greenhouse gasses we are emitting, climate change, ice cap melting, but very few actually take the necessary steps to reduce their carbon footprint. The ozone layer is a huge problem, but we just make sure to apply sunscreen liberally. Inner cities are experiencing rising problems with sight degradation, mostly due to high smog levels, but we prefer to buy a gas-guzzling automobile or SUV over a fuel-efficient hybrid vehicle. We have become so accustomed to our way of life that it would be unbearable to give up a portion of it for the sake of the larger good. The Baby-Boomer generation bears some of the blame, as climate change and ozone layer depletion was not discussed until the year 20. Until around 10-15 years ago, the mentality was "that's not my concern; let the next generation deal with it." It is incredibly tough to break out from this destructive cycle in 2017 after decades of comfort and, to some part, ignorance.


Water, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus cycles all contribute to the environmental hazards we face today, not to mention diseases and disorders. Once the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat become contaminated as a result of a breach in the natural cycles we've been ignoring for decades, it's just a matter of time before there's no time left on the clock. Our naive habits must now be changed. We've taken the first step in becoming aware of the problem by admitting it's a reality and something we're all affected by, and now we need to take collective worldwide action. Change is just as tough as we make it; the rest are imagined mental barriers that instill dread in us. Developing new habits can be challenging at first, but in this case, the good shift should be viewed as a worthy purpose.

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