
Who is to blame for all bloodshed in Macbeth?

This is for my English HW someone help!!

Answer :



The witches and the apparitions, the own insecurities of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and misplaced attempts to control his future led Macbeth to become the most responsible for the bloodshed in Macbeth's story. The witches and their prophecies have been a superior effect upon the actions of Macbeth.


Lady macbeth and the witches


The witches had offered their predictions but did not tell Macbeth how they will come true that was his own state of mind as well as his wife who had manipulated him by calling him a coward and unmanly she is superior over him in the Jacobean era this kind of behaviour was believed to be seen as unusual and controlling. As woman were seen inferior and men were seen superior.As well as that Lady Macbeth is witch like as she calls evil spirits to take control of her body and take her characteristics that make her feminine  toward the end she is remorseful and is inferior she than brings Macbeths ambition alive which is the cause of his own downfall

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