Answer :
Sequential Operations: Suppose we want to switch on the LED, fan and a PC. We can do it one by one and in a sequence. And it means step by step in a proper sequence, and that which is mentioned.
Conditional Operation: Suppose we are given a condition that if LED is switched on then you cannot switch on the PC. Such type is known as the conditional operation.
Iterative Operations: If you the number of times a given code is to be looped, or iterative, then we are dealing with the iterative operations.
In pseudo-code we represent them as:
PC_State= Open
LED_State =Open
fan_State =Open
Condition Statement
If LED= Open
Iterative Statement:
For i =1 to 3
Open Device No <i>
And this way the three are different in everyday life, and hence in pseudocode.
Please check the answer section.