1. The revolution that did not result in the creation of a new government was the______[
2. The revolution that resulted in the Reign of Terror and widespread violence was the______
3. The revolution that resulted in the creation of a democratic republic was the____
4. One shared cause of the French and American Revolutions was their desire to end______

Answer :

1. Glorious Revolution

2. French Revolution

3. American Revolution

4. Monarchy


Both the French and American revolution started with an aim to end monarchy albeit one of them was started in a colony while other was in the native land of the emperor. They ended up with different levels of success however.

The US developed into a democracy after their independence while French revolution failed largely and France went back to monarchy after the Reign of terror grappled the French.

Thus the revolutions in the end had a varying level of success.

  • The revolution which was initiated into no formation of any governmental entity was the Glorious revolution.
  • The revolution which caused the massive violence and emerged the reign of terror was the French revolution.
  • The revolution where a democratic republic has been formed was the American revolution.
  • One common cause of American and French revolution was the desire of ending the monarchy rule.

What is a revolution?

A revolution is refers to scenario where the political changes emerged in the country. It could be modifications in organization and policies of the country after being revolted by people against the existed government.

  • Glorious revolution came in the country of England between the periods of 1688 to 1689 for overthrown of king James and then his daughter would take the charge of him.
  • French revolution came in the country of France from the year 1788 rill the year 1789 led to transformation in political and societal scenarios in France.
  • American revolution arise in the country of British America between the year 1765 and 1791 for ending up the rule of Britishers and also to create a democratic party.
  • Monarchy rule was the state where the country being controlled and managed by either king or queen. It could be the rule by one person over the country.

Therefore, all the provided revolutions are being explained as above.

Learn more about Glorious revolution in the related link:



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