Answer :
The programs are written in MATLAB.
sum = 0;
for i = 2:100 %This for loop starts from 2 and ends at 100
sum = sum + i; %This line sums each values of the loop
disp(sum); %This command displays the sum at command window
sum = 0;
for i = 2:100
sum = sum + i^2; %This line sums the squares of each values in the loop
sum = 0;
a = input('Please enter a: ');
b = input('Please enter b: ');
for i = a:b
if mod(i,2) == 1 %This command checks whether the value in the loop is odd or not
sum = sum + i; %This command sums each odd value in the loop
seq = input('Please enter a few numbers with square brackets [] around them: ');
small = seq(1); %Initialize small
large = seq(1); % Initialize large
for i = 1:length(seq) %Iterate over the sequence
if seq(i) < small
small = seq(i); %Decide if the value in the loop is smallest
elseif seq(i) > large
large = seq(i); %Decide if the value in the loop is largest
fprintf('The smallest of the inputs is %g,\nThe largest of the inputs is %g.\n',small,large);