Answer :
Answer: The approximate voltage would be the result from computing analogRead(A0)*3.3 V / 1023
Depending on the binary read of the function analogRead(A0) we would get a binary value between 0 to 1023, being 0 associated to 0V and 1023 to 3.3V, then we can use a three rule to get the X voltage corresponding to the binary readings as follows:
3.3 V ---------> 1023
X V------------>analogRead(A0)
Then [tex]X=\frac{3.3 \times analogRead(A0)}{1023} Volts[/tex]
Thus depending on the valule analogRead(A0) has in bits we get an approximate value of the voltage at pin A0, with a precission of 3,2mV approximately (3.3v/1023).