A website that sells wedding dresses targets ads to (1) women (2) ages 22 to 35 (3) actively searching for a wedding dress (4) with an interest in fashion (5) in the top 10% of income (6) within the greater Denver area. What is the major downside of this targeting?

Answer :


The answer is within the greater Denver area


The greater Denver area is just a medium to low populated region, this region is just developing, the audience to receive this ads will be so small and not likely to generate a large volume.



You have placed so many filters that the possible audience is really going to be very small (in internet terms), so the ad will probably generate a low volume of leads.

If you want to generate a larger number of leads you should broaden your target audience, e.g. living in Colorado, no age requirement, no interest in fashion and not in the top 10% of income.

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