The process of – is when adults go through a major life change, such as marriage, that requires learning new norms and values. Other examples might include –, as researched by Erving Goffman in 1961.

Answer :


resocialization; total institutions.


The process of resocialization is when adults go through a major life change, such as marriage, that requires learning new norms and values. Other examples might include total institutions, as researched by Erving Goffman in 1961.

Resocialization is the process of completely changing an individual's personality by entirely changing the environment that he/she lives.

Total institutions are social institutions where every aspects of an individual's life is controlled by the norms and rules of a single institutional power. They may include institutions such as prisons, boarding schools, detention centers, etc.

To effectuate the process of resocialization, a total institution is required.

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