Dave Docket, the installation manager at Kleen Waterproofing, receives a high number of customer complaints that several crewmembers either come late to the job or they do not show up at all, without any communication with the customers. The job completion dates keep getting delayed, and customer dissatisfaction rate keeps increasing. Dave hires several new employees who are motivated, able to perform their jobs, and have adequate resources. However, they are not sure what tasks are included in their job. Dave wonders how he can understand what is going on with his crew behavior and what he can do to improve the situation.Dave organizes a training program for his employees to teach them how to operate the machines used for working. Which of the following attributes is Dave targeting with this training? Is he solving the problem?
A. Motivation
B. Ability
C. Role-perception
D. Situational Factors

Answer :

Answer:B. Ability

C. Role-perception

Explanation:He want to tackle the issue of not knowing what to do and how to do it and not understanding one's own role and what it entails. Most employees seems to not understand their role at work and down seems to be unable to do their tasks. The training will enable them to understand what to do , improves their ability and will allow them to understand their roles as employees.yes , he is solving the problem because he has taken a practical method to actual tackle this issue.


Answer: b) Ability

Explanation: Ability is the possession of skill to do a task. It involves being able to complete a given task.

Dave's new hires are motivated and ready to do the job, however they are not sure what tasks are included in their job. In this instance, organising a training that targets 'ability' will solve a part of the problem.

However, Dave needs to do more to target the actual problems which are the job description and role play. Teaching the staff how to do a job without given them job schedules may not be so effective in the long run.

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