
Joshua will be referred to an outpatient asthma education program; however, some key asthma survival skills must be taught on the acute care unit since the hospitalized child is most vulnerable for exacerbations in the immediate post hospital period.

What are the client education priorities during the acute care phase?

Select all that apply

What are the client education priorities during the acute care phase?

a.How to use the inhaler with spacer.

b.Parental recognition of early warning signs.

c.Eliminating triggers from the home.

d.Reducing the risk of upper respiratory tract infections.

e.Preventing exercise-induced asthma.

Answer :


In reference to asthma, the client education priorities during the acute care phase are:

  1. How to use the inhaler with spacer.
  2. Parental recognition of early warning signs.
  3. Reducing the risk of upper respiratory tract infections.


Bronchial asthma is a disease presented by people who are especially susceptible to environmental stimuli, such as aeroallergens, household dust, pollen, among others.

This condition consists of breathing difficulty (dyspnea) and dry cough, due to an inflammatory response of the bronchi. The mechanism consists of inflammation of the mucosa, hypersecretion of mucus and abnormal contraction of bronchial muscles, which reduces the passage of air to the lungs.  

Once the patient has been hospitalized, due to an acute asthma attack, the return home must have a proper education to avoid further attacks, being the main ones:

  1. How to use the inhaler with spacer: Inhalers are one of the most important medications for the treatment of asthma, containing drugs that allow bronchial opening and act as anti-inflammatories. They should be administered with the use of a spacer, to ensure that the administered dose reaches the respiratory system correctly.
  2. Parental recognition of early warning signs: parents should be able to know the symptoms that precede an asthma crisis, such as frequent dry cough or circulation - abnormal retraction of the intercostal muscles - and identify them as the beginning of a new crisis.
  3. Reducing the risk of upper respiratory tract infections: respiratory infections are one of the main predisposers to trigger asthma symptoms, being able to aggravate a normal crisis.

Education measures during the acute phase allow the patient with asthma to improve his or her condition and regain normal respiratory function.

Learn more:

Teach about asthma