Answer :
Gross pay refers to the total income of an employee before taxes and deductions are removed.
The employee gross pay for the first week of January is calculated as follows:
Regular income = $20 × 40 hours = 800
Overtime income = ($20 × 150%) × (45 - 40 hours)
= $30 × 5 hours = $150
Gross pay = $800 + $150 = $950
The following is not stated in the question but just meant to teach you how to calculate the net pay from the question in case you are later asked to calculate it.
Net pay refers to the total income of an employee after taxes and deductions are removed. It can be calculated as follows:
FICA Social Security = 6.2% × $950 = $58.90
Note that 6.2% of the remaining amount of $127,450 (i.e. $128,400 - $959 = $127,450) will still be deducted in the subsequent employee's income to account for the total FICA Social Security deductible.
FICA Medicare = 1.45% × $950 = $13.78
Federal income tax withheld = $92
Total deduction = $58.90 + $13.78 + $92 = $164.68
Note: As stated in the question, the employee's wages are subject to no deductions other than FICA Social Security, FICA Medicare, and federal income taxes. This implies that her wages are not subject to FUTA and the SUTA tax. That is why they are not included in the calculation of the total deduction.
Net Pay = Gross pay - total deduction = $950 - $164.68 = $785.32.
Gross Wages = $950
The question is to determine the employee's gross pay for the first week of January as follows:
Description Amount
Regular wages (Regular hours 40 x $20) $800
Overtime wages $150
(Total hours - regular hours) x rate per hour
x pay rate
( 45-40) x $20 x 150%
Gross Wages $950
However, not that if you are to calculate the net wages, social security which is Gross x 6.2%, Medicare which is Gross x 1.45% and Federal Income tax which is $92 withheld will be subtracted from the gross pay or wages.