
Complete the Simile D
Simile examples:
The car seat was as
hot as a frying pan.
The week-old bread
was like a rock.
A. Finish each simile.
one of your similes
1. The kitten's teeth were as sharp as
2. Tanya's eyes were as blue as
3. The cookies were hard like
4. Sally's hands were as sticky as
5. Jason's hands were as dirty as
6. The children were quiet like
7. The quilt was as colorful as -
8. Her face was as pale as –
B. Use the two words in parentheses to make up your own similes. Remember to
be sure your similes include either the word "as" or "like."
1 (cave, dark).
2. (boy, mean).
2 (aves glittered)

Answer :

Here are some responses.
A, each answer having at least two options.
1. daggers, knives, needles
2. the ocean, a marble, a diamond/crystal
3. rocks/stones, steel
4. glue, fresh honey
5. a pig, a bathroom, old socks
6. mice, the dawn, a lamb
7. a rainbow, a pack of crayons, new york city at night
8. a ghost, the moon, a whiteboard, paper

1. The cave was as dark as the night.
2. The boy was as mean as an old man.
3. (assuming this is aves that meaning bird vertebrae)
the aves in the sky reflected across her eyes, glittered like a garnet.

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