
Restriction of fat has been a popular strategy for weight loss and health, but fat performs some important functions, in addition to providing energy. This section describes some of the reasons you should moderate your fat intake, not eliminate it. From the list below, choose all the correct statements about the functions of fat. Select all that apply. a. Lipids are an essential component of cell membranes, act as insulation under the skin, and protect organs from injury. b. The body can rely on carbohydrate stores during periods of low energy intake. c. Fat is a good source of energy providing 4 kcal/g. d. Fat provides flavor and texture to food (think ice cream) and also leaves you satisfied for longer after a meal. e. Fat in the diet allows for the transport of vitamins A, C, and E because they are fat-soluble.

Answer :

The correct option is (A) and (B)


  • Lipids are fundamentally and practically various groups of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are the substance chemical in nature and comprise of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds are nonpolar, which implies that the electrons between the molecules are shared similarly. The individual nonpolar bonds grant a general nonpolar characteristics to the hydrocarbon compound.  
  • The naturally significant classes of lipids are fats, phospholipids, and steroids.
  • Carbohydrates are one of three essential macronutrients expected to support life (the other two are proteins and fats). They are found in a wide scope of nourishments that bring an assortment of other significant supplements to the eating routine, for example, nutrients and minerals, phytochemicals, cell reinforcements, and dietary fiber. Organic products, vegetables, grain nourishments, and numerous dairy items normally contain starches in different amounts, including sugars, which are a sort of starch that can add taste advance to a nutritious eating routine.

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