Write a function called simulate_several_key_strikes. It should take one argument: an integer specifying the number of key strikes to simulate. It should return a string containing that many characters, each one obtained from simulating a key strike by the monkey.

Answer :


The solution code is written in Python 3

  1. import random
  2. import string
  3. def simulate_several_key_strikes(l):
  4.    char_set = string.ascii_lowercase
  5.    return ''.join(random.choice(char_set) for i in range(l))
  6. print (simulate_several_key_strikes(10))


The program is aimed to generate random characters and the number of characters generated is dependent on user input. Hence, we will need to import the random module (Line 1). We also import string module so that we can make use of its associated method to generate English letters (Line 2)

Next, we create the function simulate_several_key_strikes that takes one single parameter, l, as input. Within the function body, we use ascii_lowercase method to generate the lowercase letter set and assign it to char_set variable (Line 5). We use random.choice method to randomly pick one of the letter in char_set and join it with an empty string (Line 6). Please note there is a for-loop that will repeatedly generate l-number of character and eventually return it as output.

We test the function by passing 10 as input parameter and we shall get a sample output as follows:


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