A middle school teacher arranges his classroom so students sit in straight rows of desks, one in front of the other. He does this to promote compliant behavior and is pleased that students are quiet and attentive during lectures. However, students do not ask questions or discuss ideas. After lectures, the teacher assigns independent seat work. According to Vygotsky, will this teaching style be effective? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.

Answer :


Vygotsky was of the view that this teaching style will not be an effective teaching method. According to him, following are two ways that can prove to better learning experiences for the variety of students;

  1. A better way to enhance the learning of students would be to group children of different intellect together. This will promote a healthy environment for exchange of ideas.
  2. Providing assignments to children associated to leaving them on their own for the purpose of learning. This works for some children but also does not work for other people.

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