
1. A – approach suggests that social inequality is a necessary part of society.
2. A – approach suggests that the poor and rich have different interests and may find themselves at odds as they attempt to secure and protect these interests.
3. A – approach suggests that we develop everyday class consciousness as a way to distinguish the status of others.

Answer :

Answer:1=Structural Functionalism

2=conflict theory

3=symbolic interactionism

Explanation:Structural Functionalism is a theory that focuses on how society functions and how certain institutions are crucial in bringing solidarity and stability within society. It sees that inequality creates functionality otherwise they will be no need of the other person's existence if we were all equally.

Conflict theory states that there is an endless conflict or competition for limited resources. The rich and powerful dominates over those who are poor and powerless .

Symbolic interactionism focuses on relationships between individuals in a society . Communication by the use of certain created meaning and symbols , which all create the sense of one's own world.

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