Answer :
I Sit By The Fire And Think is a poem written by J.R.R. Tolkien which present contemplation on the ageing and passing of the time and life.
The poem talks about passing of the time and seasons which writter remebers with saddness and nostalgy. He mourns all missed opportunities, but also those that generations to come will witness but he will miss too. In the end of poem the present comes to his conscious in the shape of friends and family that he gratefully remembers and would like to enjoy while he can.
I Sit by The Fire and Think
The theme is:
Tolkien remembers. The theme of the poem is that time will pass by, from spring to winter, and there is a lot to enjoy in this world that we take for granted. We have to enjoy every moment, every season, and all the people we know. In the poem it states, "..of meadow-flowers and summers that have been.." and "..I listen for returning feet and voices at the door.."