
Tracts carrying sensory information are called _________ _________. Those that conduct motor impulses from the brain are called _________ _________. Spinal Reflexes: recall how reflexes work and the parts of a reflex mechanism

Answer :



Tracts carrying sensory information are called ascending tracts.

Those that conduct motor impulses from the brain are called descending tracts.


A reflex may be defined as an involuntary response to a stimulus which is dependent on the integrity of the reflex arc.

A reflex arc consists of the following anatomical structures:

(1) a receptor organ - located within the skin, muscle or tendon

(2) an afferent neuron - located in posterior root ganglion

(3) an effector neuron, and

(4) an effector organ.

A reflex arc involving only one synapse is referred to as a monosynaptic reflex arc and interruption of the reflex arc at any point along its course would abolish the response.

In the spinal cord, reflex arcs play an important role in maintaining muscle tone, which is key for proper body posture.