Answer :
I am Jude Ene from Umuenenyaka, Umuobene, Amaji, Umuabi, Udi Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria.
My Learning Philosophy
I am a learner that likes to be allowed to use the knowledge and skills acquired to synthesize my talents to equip me in containing real-life problems. I like to apply the heuristic and algorithmic approaches to attending to challenge. I love to be asked to accomplish a task but should be allowed my own pace to get it accomplished. As a consummate learner, I like to probe deep to generate enough data that will aid me during analysis to arrive at an empirically supported view.
Major Field of Study
I am a consummate educationist & an Instructional Designer & Technologist.
Current Occupation
I am consummate Educationist, an Instructional Designer & Technologist in Knowledge Gardeners Ltd. I currently work with Latin Hire as a Tutor and work as a Facilitator of Learning in many Online educational establishments.
What I think a historian's job is -
Historians are academics and researchers who study events of the past. Their primary duties include obtaining historical data from libraries, archives and artifacts, determining the authenticity of historical data and teaching or researching at universities.
Skills of a Historian are -
Historians should also possess the following specific qualities:
- Analytical Skills.
- Communication skills. ...
- Problem-solving skills. ...
- Research skills. ...
- Writing skills.
How the above-mentioned skills might apply to my career and/or major goals are:
Analytical Skills. Historians must be able to examine the information and data in historical sources and draw logical conclusions from them, whether the sources are written documents, visual images, or material artifacts. As consummate Educationist, an Instructional Designer & Technologist, this skill will help me critically analyse data to draw logical information to prepare the storyboard for my Instructional Packages in my establishments.
Communication Skills. As a consummate Educationist, an Instructional Designer & Technologist I should have excellent communication skills in reading, writing, listing and speaking to enable me to have a firm grip of my audience and to drive my points home in every instructional session.
Problem-Solving Skills. A consummate Educationist and an Instructional Designer & Technologist should possess this skill to enable me to diagnose easily the problems of each style of the learner to find a lasting solution to them by scaffolding.
Research Skills. The difference between Excellent and very Good is paying attention to minutest details. Therefore, I should always probe beyond the surface to generate distinguishing data that will always stand me out in all my works.
Writing Skills. I should be a prolific writer to enable me to catch the slightest interest of my audience to nail my points. I should write comprehensively but meaningfully.