A skydiver's parachute fails to deploy. After some struggle, his reserve chute deploys in time to save his life. However, his landing is harder than normal, and he feels his knee slightly hyperextend. He shakes it off and goes about his normal routine. Later that day, he begins experiencing knee pain. Two days later, he notices that his knee "pops" when he crouches and soon discovers he has dislocated his femur on the knee. What muscle was likely injured initially?

Answer :



  • The muscle of the leg is Popliteus
  • Popliteus is the deepest muscle of the knee joint
  • The shape of the muscle is triangular, thin and flat
  • Popliteus is also known as assistant knee flexor muscle
  • It helps in knee stability
  • The pattern of poor movement and posture can cause popliteus muscle to weakness and injury.
  • If there is an injury to the knee, it involve the popliteus muscle
  • The treatment of popliteus muscle is similar to any soft tissue injury.

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