Answer :
1.Hypothermia: If the person is unconscious, check their breathing. If the person does not breathe, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, for 30 compressions - 2 ventilations.
Protect the person from the cold. Transport it to a place with hot temperature and cover it with blankets. If it is not possible, it must be kept away from the wind, the cold and the ground. Cover the head and neck.
Remove wet clothes from dry clothes. If you are out in the open, you shouldn't take your clothes off, it's time to try to heat them so that the clothes that are wet get cold.
2.Freezing: Check if you have hypothermia.
Protect the skin to prevent further damage.
If the person is outside, warm the frozen hands by placing them on the armpits. Protect the face, nose and ears with dry, gloved hands.
Get away from the cold.
Gently reheat frozen areas.
Avoid heating frozen skin with direct heat.
3. heat reactions: cool the person as soon as possible.
Move it to a cool place.
Bathe it in fresh water.
4. Dehydration: take sips of water or eat ice cubes.
Drinking sports drinks that have electrolytes.
5.High altitude: stop ascending. Take a break, hydrate well and consume something that provides
Going down from 300 to 500 meters you begin to notice an improvement. Once you have got off
you must pause the trip.
If the symptoms are severe, it will be necessary to descend. Pain relievers, such as aspirin or
acetaminophen, can be taken. Administer oxygen.
6. Insect bites: Find a safe place to avoid more bites.
If possible, remove the stinger.
Wash the area with soap and water.
7.Tick bite: remove the tick as soon as possible.
Grasp the tick as close to the head or mouth as possible with tweezers. Do not use your fingers.
Clean the area with soap and water.
8. Snakebite: Call the local emergency number, especially if the area changes color, begins to swell
Get away from the snake's radius.
Be still and stay calm.
9. ampoules: keep the area clean and disinfected. Washing with warm soapy water is sufficient.
If they appear on the feet, keep them clean and dry.
Blisters should not be exploited
10.Hyperventilation: Reassure the person.
Try to breathe easy.
1.To warm the person use warm compresses in the armpits, neck. If the person is conscious, drink
hot and sweet liquids.
Stay with the person until medical help arrives.
2. Drink hot liquids. Tea, coffee, or soup can help warm you up inside. Don't drink alcohol.
Take analgesics. If you're in pain, consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever.
3.If you are unconscious, immersion in cold water can save your life.
If you are conscious, drink a glass of cold water every 15 minutes.
Require emergency transportation.
4.Do not take pills of mineral salts. They can cause serious complications.
Verify that you do not have diarrhea.
5. In case the condition is severe, inject corticosteroids such as dexamethasone, and some diuretic
Request specialized help.
6.Apply a cold compress.
Apply hydrocortisone cream.
Take an antihistamine such as Benadryl, or others
7. Store the tick in a jar.
If it is not possible to remove the tick, go to a medical center.
8. Position yourself in a way that the bite is at the level of the heart.
Clean the wound with soap and water.
9.Can be covered with bandages. There are zinc oxide adhesive tapes that protect and prevent
infections that can also be used.
Applying cold reduces pain and inflammation.
10.Put a plastic bag over your nose and mouth to relieve symptoms-
Call 911 if there is no improvement.