Jason has been a problem in Ms. Johnson's second-grade class throughout the whole year. He always seems to be out of his seat and bothering other children. Ms. Johnson is especially frustrated because these misbehaviors are explicitly forbidden by the classroom rules that she established when school began. She finds herself saying over and over, "Jason, you know the rules; now sit down or you're going to be punished." Jason then sits down, but soon he is up and doing the same things again. How would you help Ms. Johnson come up with a plan to change Jason’s behavior?

Answer :


Answer: I believe there are reasons why Jason is behaving that way. Since cautioning him in class is not working, I believe the teacher should call him privately.

Explanation: Most times, student find it hard to pay attention in class, maybe the environment is not conducive or even their seat position is not okay, others can be emotional baggages they brought from home and other reasons. I believe for peace to reign and Jason to pay attention in class, the teacher should call him privately. One thing student hate is to be scolded in presence of their classmates, this may make the student to want to make the teacher's carreer miserable. I believe by calling him privately and asking want is wrong will help.Most times Jason would not want to open up but assurance and positive words from the teacher may go a long way. And if that does not help I believe informing the parents or school authority will be the next course of action. If the learning environment is not conducive for him, the teacher can try other ways by spicing up her lectures to get the student attention and also motivate his students by not condeming them but encouraging them.

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