
Jack works in a clothing store at the mall. He is paid on commission, so the more he sells the more money he makes. When a customer asks Jack if he/she looks good in an item of clothing Jack always says yes, even if he/she does not look good. Jack reasons, if they think they look good the more they will buy. The more they buy the more money for me. What philosophy is Jack following?

Answer :





Egoism is an ethical philosophy in which an individual's basis for morality is  self-interest. In other words, egoism is a theory that basis an individual's goal or motivation for act to be based on self  not because of interest in anyone else. Egoism does not encourage the interest in anyone else but pursues self interest.

Jack told people they look good in the clothing irrespective of how they look not because he had their interest at heart, but because he had his own interest at heart (more money), this philosophy is called egoism


The correct answer is letter "C": Egoism.


In philosophy, egoism is a theory describing individuals' placing their own interests first. The descriptive perspective of egoism defines it as the behavior by which individuals seek the satisfaction of their own desires. The normative perspective of egoism defines it as motivation regardless of what is incentivizing the individual. Egoism opposes altruism.

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