Answer :


Affected the image of Kennedy Administration.


Pigs of Bay invasion was a military operation in the southwestern coast carried out by the exiled Cubans and supported by the US.  CIA trained and financed the refugees.  

It was meant to topple the US government as Fidel Castro had seized power in Cuba in 1959. the operation started o April 17, 1961 and lasted for two days. The Cuba forces were commanded by Fidel Castro.  The invasion was a failure and affected the image of Kennedy Administration, so he later launched operation Mongoose to destabilise the Cuban government and economy.  It also included the possibility of assassinating of Castro.  

This is from username "Likableadvisers". This is the link for his answer." Please go rate him and give him a Thanks, if you learned from this.

"The invasion of the Bay of Pigs, also known as the Bay of Pigs invasion or the Battle of Girón, was a military operation in which troops of Cuban exiles, supported by the United States invaded Cuba in April 1961, to try to create a beachhead , form a provisional government and seek the support of the Organization of American States and the recognition of the international community. The action ended in failure in less than 65 hours. It was completely crushed by the Militias and the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) of Cuba. More than a hundred invading soldiers died, and the Cubans captured another 1200, along with important war material.

The victory generated enormous political support for Fidel Castro among the Cuban masses and allowed his government to deepen the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution, proclaimed earlier, while the internal opposition was neutralized by the alarm generated during the invasion.

The historical evolution of the conflict between both nations, the support of the so-called socialist camp and the popular masses to the revolutionary government and the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis or October Crisis were frustrating the actions of the Kennedy administration with regard to a invasion to Cuba. The Kennedy-Khrushchev pact consisted in an agreement between the United States and the USSR not to allow any new attack against Cuba by the Cuban exiles."

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