Answer :
YTM is 4.93%
The yield to maturity is the actual return on the 25-year bonds and it is computed using the rate formula in excel.
The rate formula is given as =rate(nper,pmt,pv,-fv)
nper is the number of years to maturity, which is 25 years, however for this calculation of yield , we use 23 years because the bond was issued 2 years ago and we are ascertaining the yield to maturity today
The 23 years is multiplied by 2 to reflect that it is semi-annual interest paying bond.
pmt is the period payment of coupon calculated as $2.65 (5.3%/2*100-paid twice a year)
pv is the current price of the bond at $105
fv is the amount receivable on redemption which is $100
=2.47% semi annually
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