Answer :
It is true that if a costumer has a coupon for 30% off any skateboard and then another coupon for an extra 5% off a total purchase, you can simply add the coupons together to determine the discount as long as they are only buying one skateboard .
The above assertion is correct because the amount of the skateboard will be the same as the amount for the sale, hence both percentages making up 35% can be applied to the skateboard amount.
However if they buying more items than just a skateboard, the total amounts of the different items of purchase has to be added before applying the discount percentage.
You can only use one coupon at a time.
If you could accumulate coupons, then all you need is several of them and the product is free, e.g. get 3 coupons for 30% and 2 coupons for 5% = 100% ⇒ free skateboard.
The only way you could benefit from a double discount is when a product has been discounted by the retailer (you do not need a coupon to obtain the discount) and you have a discount coupon that helps you save a little more.