Answer :
The short story chosen is called "The milk girl"
The setting of this short story is a city where the little girl was going to sell milk. This can be confirmed by the following quote:
"The girl was just joy. It was the first time that she would go to town, sell her beloved cow's milk."
The protagonist of this short story is a little girl, who is going to sell milk in the city and makes several plans about what will be done with the money she will earn. In addition, the girl was well dressed to impress customers. The quote that proves this is:
"She put on her best clothes, a beautiful blue dress, and set out on the road with the milk can on her head. As she walked, the milk rattled inside the can. The girl too, couldn't stop thinking: I'm going to sell the milk and buy eggs , a dozen, then I hatch the eggs and get a dozen chicks, when the chicks grow up, I’ll have beautiful roosters and chickens, see the roosters and raise the hens, which are great for laying eggs, I hatch the eggs and I’ll have more roosters and chickens, I sell everything and buy a kid and some sows. "
The main conflict of this short story is that the little girl thinks so much about what she is going to do with the money that stumbles and spills all the milk on the floor, showing us that we must pay attention to the present and not take care of what we do not have yet, leaving the present pass without being noticed. The quote that proves this is:
"If each sow gives me three piglets, seeing two, I get one and ..." The girl was so distracted in her thoughts that she tripped over a stone, lost her balance and fell over. There was the white milk on the floor. And eggs, chicks, roosters, chickens, kids, sows and piglets in the air. You shouldn't count on something before you get it and without paying attention to the present. "
I believe that the conflict is perfectly clear.
Title of short story or novel ____the youngue delany ____________
Author ___________
Describe the setting of your novel or short story.
The setting of my story is in an urban area and the current situation where life is fast-passing and constantly changes where the character often feels that life is ahead of them
Provide a quotation from the text to support your answer.
Describe the protagonist of your novel or short story.
“Poverty is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women." (page #5) Delany's childhood is described as a time of great deprivation, but of good humor and adventure as well. Despite constant poverty, a criminally irresponsible father, and the death of her mother, Delany is a loving sister who retains her sense of humor. Delany must sacrifice her standards of dignity and class in order to provide for her sisters. Still, she never lowers her expectations for her family—she raises them to be well-behaved, conscientious, kind,and hardworking”.
Provide a quotation from the text to support your answer.
Discuss the main conflict in your novel or short story. If the conflict is not perfectly clear yet, what do you suspect it will be? Which of the four major types of conflict best describes the situation you discussed? The conflict of the story is that a young 16 year-old-girl was dealing with poverty ,despite her father’s hostility to some of her decisions,delany is simply struggling to cope under painful and difficult circumstances You have never been a good father to us" (page #3)The story portrays conflict with others. The author (me) makes it clear that Delany's first priority is her sisters' welfare.
Describe the antagonist from your novel or short story.
Delany's father strives to reach beyond the limitations forced upon him by poverty. He becomes determined to achieve success in life and to provide for his family and, indeed, he is relieved to leave school at age fourteen in order to get a job. Though he does not explicitly acknowledge it, Delany's father is burdened by the necessity of acting as a father figure for his family. He starts to suffer from an overwhelming sense of guilt. "The burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own." (page #7) He worries that by sinning he has doomed himself and the people he loves. He channels the disappointments of his difficult life into self-recrimination. He escapes his fears and guilt by reading, watching movies, listening to the radio, and daydreaming”.
Provide a quotation from the text to support your answer.
Describe an important piece of the backstory from your novel or short story.
The backstory consists of delaney's father's childhood.the author (me) writes his memoir in the present tense from the perspective of a young boy. The memoir often distances Delany's father, the young boy who simply wanted to have family, to a man who lost his wife and whose guilt and disappointment causes him to distance himself from his daughters. "I was never meant to carry this burden, I still think about her, I do." (page #10)
Provide a quotation from the text to support your answer.
Describe an early development in the plot and explain why it is important.
Delany increasingly condemns his father's irresponsibility but worries also about the morality of her own behavior and her sisters; she determines to make a success of herself. "Delany grows determined to prove that he can succeed and earn people's respect". (page #9)The author (me) also withholds the information that Delany's mother has died until the later part of the story and that her mother's death was the cause of her father's actions.