Answer :
Answer: This reminds me of designing a Medicinal Compound, and with the Idea in your mind, making it a reality with those materials that are used to assemble, alter, “reshape”, but on the molecular level. Michelangelo said, of working in stone, he “freed” those trapped in the stone by removing all that was not to be freed; La Pieta is perhaps the most Beautiful example I can think of; one can see the blood vessels and strain of muscles and Pity and despair - in Marble as if it were carefully molded of clay. The Medici Chapel, and Tomb is similar; for you walk in, and a once very important man, is peering at you- and having seen the Ghost White Stone figures of him, and the family, the workmanship conveyed just how equal we are in the End. His great wealth bought the Art, but he is dust. It is with the media used, the materials used, that CAN and do transform ideas and beliefs; and you may wonder, what is it that so magnificently guided his or her hands to create THAT!