Answer :
When a young person experiences a traumatic event, it is often unclear the types of reactions they might
display, or how this event might affect them in the longer term. Many children and adolescents will
experience some type of reaction following traumatic events, but fortunately, most are resilient and
gradually return to their previous functioning over time. However, there are some young people who
continue to experience difficulties over time.
Children can express trauma reactions in very different ways to adults.
• Many children are resilient and experience only few reactions. Some report feeling more confident or
finding other positive changes following trauma. We call this Post Traumatic Growth.
• Some children may express a lot of different reactions, or one intense reaction, immediately following
the event, but gradually return to their previous functioning over time.
• Some children express immediate reactions, and these persist over time. Sometimes the reactions can
even change over time.
• Some children appear resilient at first, but display reactions later on.
learn more
Trauma reactions in young people - Emerging Minds