A Gaussian random voltage X volts is input to a half-wave rectifier and the output voltage is Y = Xu (X) Volts were u (x) is the unit step function. Assume X has mean 0 V and variance σ^2 V^2. The output voltage Y is then applied across a (nonrandom) resistance of R ohms. The answers below should be expressed in terms of the Φ or Q functions or in closed form (no integrals).
(a) Find the probability that the current which flows through the resistor exceeds 1 Amp.
(b) Find the probability that the power which is dissipated in the resistor exceeds 1 watt.
(c) Find the mean and variance of the current which flows through the resistor.
(d) Find the mean and variance of the power which is dissipated in the resistor.