Answer :
Czar Nicholas ll saw WW1 as an opportunity improve the economy. Consequently, he sent the army to fight in WW1. This however, gave the Bolsheviks an opportunity to rebel unopposed having tried unsuccessfully in the past because the Czar's army was present to deter them. With the army at war. The obstacle was removed.
Czar Nicholas II made a terrible decision that brought an end to the rulership of the czars
As at WWI, Russia unlike other countries in Europe were largely not industrialized. To add to this was the fact that the Russian economy was in a very bad shape and under the governance of Czar Nicholas II who was a very cruel man. From Czar Nicholas' II standpoint, he saw no way out for Russia except to fight in WWI and although Russia was not sufficiently equipped for the war, Czar Nicholas II entered into WWI.
Lacking weapons and goods, many of Russia's soldiers were left in the cold habing no weapon to use in battle. The bad decision of Czar Nicholas II cost Russia about 76% of its soldiers in WWI as well as inflation in the country from war costs which provoked the Russian populace. The result is that the Russian people rebelled against and overthrew Czar Nicholas II on March 15, 1917. This led to Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin seizing power and he destroyed the imperial rule of the czars in Russia