
Find the area of the shaded region. The graph depicts the standard normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. Z = -1.82 and z= 1.82

Answer :



.9312411093....I'm not sure of how many decimal place you would want.


This sounds like a normal cumilative distribution funtion. You if you have a graphing calculator, you would use "normakcdf" buttom to find your area.

You can find the area by

  • "2nd" command
  • "vars" this will take you to a list if distribution function
  • goto "2. normalcdf("
  • you bound it from -1.82 to 1.82
  • the weird symbol, mu, is the mean which is 0 in this case
  • the second weird symbol, lower case signma, is the standard deviation which is 1 in this case

when you do all of that you get .9312.

I hope that helps!

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