Answer :
- m = 3
- n = 20
- triList = []
- current = 0
- for i in range(1, n + 1):
- current = current + i
- if(current >= m and current <= n):
- triList.append(current)
- print(triList)
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Firstly, create variable m and n and set the value 3 and 20 to the variables (Line 1 -2)
Create a triangle number list (Line 4) and another variable current to hold the value of current total of triangle number (Line 5).
Create a for loop and iterate through the number between m and n (Line 6). Calculate the current total of triangle number (Line 7) and proceed to check if the current triangle number is bigger or equal to m and smaller and equal to n, add the current triangle number to triList (Line 8-9).
Print the triList (Line 11) and we shall get [3, 6, 10, 15]