
Important changes are occurring on your team as task agendas become clarified and members begin to understand one another's personal styles. Attention is beginning to shift toward obstacles that may stand in the way of task accomplishment. Efforts are being made to find ways to meet team goals while also satisfying individual needs. Failure in this stage can be a lasting liability whereas success here can set a strong foundation for later team effectiveness. What stage of team development is your team in

Answer :



storming stage


Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that your team seems to be in the storming stage of team development. This stage is regarded as one of the most difficult and important stages for a team to pass through and where success creates long-term beneficial gains for the team but failures create long-lasting and usually fatal problems for the team.


Storming stage


We have five stages of team development, the only stage of development that meets the explanation of this question which is the storming page, now let's know what storming stage is, and how it is the answer to this question.

By definition, storming stage is a stage during which members of the group are willing and are ready to open up and air their opinions and views that will develop the team. It is also an important stage, as it will determine the success of the group. What members have in common is of no significance as Individual differences take is more important.

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