Answer :
quality modification
In marketing, quality modifications refer to changes made on the product's characteristics to change its durability, perceive quality and dependability. Hopefully all quality modifications should be done to increase the product's quality, but they can also be done to offer cheaper versions also. Generally lower quality versions are made to appeal to broader markets.
In this case, the quality modifications are made to increase perceived quality and appeal not to a mass market, but instead to appeal to an upscale market.
B) Quality modification
Quality modification: This is the process making changes to the quality of an existing product. A reduction in quality tends to reduce the price of the product while an increase in quality of a product might cause an increase in price if the product.
Quality modification is best done during the maturity stage of product life cycle.
The quality modification being done by Weston candy company is to improve on the quality of cocoa candy by using the world's finest cocoa in its production. This will increase the price of cocoa candy from it's current price.
Quality modification is usually done to meet the needs of specific categories of consumers such as the low income earners( low quality,low Price) or the high income earners ( high quality, high price).