A mother is helping her children, of unequal weight, to balance on a seesaw so that they will be able to make it tilt back and forth without the heavier child simply sinking to the ground. Given that her heavier child of weight WWW is sitting a distance LLL to the left of the pivot, at what distance L1L1L_1 must she place her second child of weight www on the right side of the pivot to balance the seesaw

Answer :


W x L / w


Weight of heavier child = W

Weight of second child = w

distance of heavier child from the pivot = L

distance of second child from the pivot is L1.

By using the principle of moments, in the equilibrium condition

Anticlockwise moment = clockwise moment

According to the diagram

[tex]W \times L = w \times L_{1}[/tex]

[tex]L_{1}=\frac{W\times L}{w}[/tex]

The distance of the second child from the pivot is W x L / w.

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