1. mengidentifikasi ciri teks biografi berdasarkan isinya; 2. menilai hal yang dapat diteladani dari teks biografi; 3. mengomentari isi dari minimal satu buku fiksi dan satu buku nonfiksi yang sudah dibaca; 4. mengungkapkan kembali hal-hal yang dapat diteladani dari tokoh yang terdapat dalam teks biografi atau novel yang dibaca secara tertulis; 5. menganalisis aspek makna dan kebahasaan dalam teks biografi; 6. menceritakan kembali isi teks biografi; 7. mereplikasi isi buku ilmiah yang dibaca dalam bentuk resensi. biografi habibi bahasa indonesia brainly

Answer :


  • Translated from Indonesian language:

"1. identifying the characteristics of biographical texts based on their contents; 2. assess things that can be emulated from biographical texts; 3. comment on the contents of at least one fiction book and one nonfiction book that has been read; 4. Reveal the things that can be emulated from the characters contained in biographical texts or novels that are read in writing; 5. analyzing aspects of meaning and language in biographical texts; 6. retell the contents of biographical texts; 7. replicate the contents of scientific books that are read in the form of reviews. biography of Indonesian habibi brainly."

  • As, there are different cultures and diverse number of individuals across the globe, as there are different races and backgrounds of individuals across the globe. While, there are certain rules and principles which are followed by the number of individuals to perform various functions regarding the literature and other subjects or fields of science and art.

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