Answer :


The correct answer is remove all western ideas from nations who were muslim

The Al-Qaeda group emerged in 1988, in Afghanistan, as a Salafist organization, led by Saudi Osama Bin-Laden.

In the 1990s, the group would adopt strong anti-American and anti-Western rhetoric and be responsible for several attacks around the world, including the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001.

Al Qaeda members' ideology comes from salfism.

Salafism was a Sunni Islamic movement that emerged in Cairo, Egypt, in the late 19th century.

Its aim was to reform Islam for the 20th century, after the intense contact that this religion had with the western world. Thus, he preached the return to the origin, with a more rigorous reading of the Al-Koran, the foundation of the Islamic faith. For this reason, they are also called fundamentalists.

The movement spread throughout the Islamic world and won over several people like Muhammad ibn al-Wahhab'Abd, who advocated a rigorous reading of the Muslim holy book and even helped to found the Saudi Kingdom of Arabia.

Likewise, there are currents that defend political Islam and others that prefer to remain on the sidelines of politics, as occurs in Western politics. Finally, there are those who believe that jihad, in its form of holy war, is a legitimate way to spread Islam around the world.

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