Read the following lines from the Odyssey: In the next land we found were Cyclopes, giants, louts, without a law to bless them. By implication, what cultural value in ancient Greece is Odysseus emphasizing in this passage?

A. physical strength

B. mental intelligence

C. civilized life in a law-abiding society

D. the benefits of travel

Answer :

The cultural value in ancient Greece is Odysseus that is emphasized in this passage is civilized life in a law-abiding society because the giant louts had no law to bless them, thus, the value that they do not reflect is civilized life in a society governed by laws. The correct answer between all the choices given is the third choice or letter C. I am hoping that this answer has satisfied your query and it will be able to help you in your endeavor, and if you would like, feel free to ask another question.

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